Thursday, December 17, 2009
End of a Journey
The person who had the original idea for this trip is unknown. Jen and I were at a party and had lots to drink when one of us floated the possibility of travelling together. We were both finishing work at the same time so it seemed like a good opportunity.
Then the next morning we never spoke about it again, with headaches to nurse we both forgot about the drunken plan to travel together. Then, sure enough, a month later we were at another party and the idea came up again whilst drinking. The next morning though we actually decided to do it.
I have had the journey of a lifetime and would not have had the same experience if Jen and Nikki had not been with me. Whether I was riding on elephants, hurtling through jungles on motorbikes or partying with Russian military on a four day train, they both made it even more fantastic.
I am going to make a video of my trip as I took with me a HD camera and have lots of footage. It will probably be on here in one month. In the meantime I will not be writing another blog, I am home with my family in England and the blog was originally for them to keep track of me. It is great to be home and see everyone, this will be my first Christmas with them in four years.
But the moral to this story is to drink lots, have crazy ideas and then follow through with them in the morning.
for the final time:
Monday, December 14, 2009
I'm Coming Home!

War Crimes and Red Lights
I did know that from Amsterdam I had to catch a train to The Hague. I have a friend who lives and works there called George. When I arrived in The Hague I looked for a public pay phone to tell him that I had arrived. There was no phone to be found, I eventually gave up and approached a lady at the information counter.
"Is there a public pay phone I can use?"
"There is one close by, but I think it is out of order".
This could have been a problem, but the lady was not finished.
"If you want, you can use my cell phone to call, is it a UK number you are ringing?"
I was left amazed, where else in the world would a lady offer her personal phone to call an international phone number? The Netherlands is the answer, or perhaps Holland, I was still not sure.
George works in The Hague for the War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia where he is an assistant to one of the Judges. Which I thought sounds very important.
On the way from the station I asked if he could show me the Hague so I could take a picture, he looked at me strangely and gestured towards the street "This is all The Hague", he explained. Up till that point I always thought that The Hague was a name for one particular building, whenever I heard news reports like 'Gordon Brown gives a speech in The Hague', I imagined one stone structure, when it turns out to be many different places within one city.
I decided then to wait before asking him to clarify the name of the entire country.
My first morning George had to go to work and I decided to tag along. He mentioned quite casually that I could watch proceedings in court from the public gallery and I tried to be casual in response, but I was actually really excited.
The security to get into the building was understandably significant, George gave me a tour then one of his friends directed me to the public gallery. I went through some more security checks then walked into a room where I found myself seated behind the Ambassador of Croatia! On my left was the defence and the accused, on my right was the prosecution. The Judge was ahead and the issues they were dealing with were very much current. Click here to view a news article about what I witnessed happening!
I eventually left the court and some of Georges friends asked if it had been boring. I can see how it could get tiresome everyday but it was such an amazing experience to see a court in action, I decided there and then that Nikki would have to come on Monday.
Nikki. You might have thought she left us to return to England but she got bored, so decided to return to meet in The Hague. In typical fashion she arrived by plane, then met Jen and I in a bar. We were all joining the defence interns for a pub crawl and things were fun till we ended up in a club that was so empty it was sobering.
The next morning we went to Amsterdam with slight sore heads. It was really nice weather and the city was packed. Everywhere I walked it seemed I was stepping onto a bike lane, tram line or busy road. We visited the red light district with women wearing practically nothing and standing in glass windows. We also stopped into the 'Erotic Museum', which made a funny and somewhat unusual change to the usual historical experiences we have had so far.
The day unfortunately ended on a sad note though. Jen and I parted ways. She was returning to London that night by bus and so our adventure together came to an end. It was all quite emotional even though I know that I will not be far behind her. On Tuesday 15 December I will be home.
And it turns out I am in The Netherlands, but Holland is also here too...

(The last photo of us all together)

(George and Nikki strike a pose in the sex museum )

(Nikki, George and myself at The Hague, in The Netherlands)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tack Castle

This was the reception I received when I arrived to stay with Brigitte and Peter, close family friends who I had not seen for many years. On my first night we went for a drive round Hamburg which gave me the opportunity to see some of the city sights by night. Hamburg has more bridges than Venice and the whole city has waterways intersecting the streets. It was an interesting first glimpse at the city.

The weather was not brilliant during my stay but it is winter and to be expected. What made up for the weather was the brilliant cooking skills of Brigitte. Never in my life have I felt so well fed quite so consistently. Breakfast would involve of fresh bread, cheese, different types of sausage, salmon, turkey and jam. For dinner we ate a type of meat wrapped in cabbage leaves and on another evening had steak and potato with bacon. For lunch when I was out exploring Hamburg Brigitte even made me a sandwich and packed fruit in my bag!

(Breakfast with the Tack Family)
On my second full day with the Tacks we went to the city and took a bus tour of the area. The tour was in English and it gave me the opportunity to learn about the different areas of Hamburg. I did not know that the Beatles music career started in Hamburg and was surprised to turn a corner and see an old submarine floating in the water!

Staying in Hamburg was my first time for many months living in a family home environment and I was made to feel so welcome. In the future when people ask where I stayed in Hamburg I will say that I stayed somewhere better than the Four Seasons or the Marriot, I stayed at Tack Castle.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Markets of Berlin
Kuala Lumpur: 1 Month
Phnom Penh: 6 Months
Hanoi: 12 Months
Beijing: 3 Months
Moscow: 12 Months
Berlin: 12 Months
Berlin scores high partly because of the Christmas markets. I imagined one street of stalls selling food and gifts but instead I found an entire Christmas city. Some stalls were two stories high and the complex was huge. The food was straight from the oven and delicious. I ate Pretzels, Bratwurst, cheese toasted rolls and consumed lots of warm Glugwein with shots of rum which made me feel very festive!
There were multiple Christmas markets around the city and each one had different fairground activities. Jen and I went ice skating near our hostel and I'm proud to say I did not fall over!

(One of the hundreds of food stalls at the Christmas markets)

Whilst the Christmas markets were incredible we had to leave during daylight hours and explore the city. Jen and I studied the cold war and in particular the Berlin Wall at school so were interested to see the locations we had previously only read about in books or seen on television.

(The Reichstag, note the glass dome on the roof)

(view from the glass dome over Berlin)

(Me in the glass dome)

(Berlin wall)

(Victory Tower)

(Checkpoint Charlie)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The biggest 'must see' tourist attraction was something called "The Little Mermaid". The author of the original story came from Copenhagen and it was with great anticipation and excitement that we walked past the Winter Palace in search of the famous fishwoman. What we found was a medium sized statue of a mermaid overlooking the water. It was a somewhat overhyped attraction but I can now say that I have seen it.
Both Jen and I have friends living in Copenhagen and through some master organisation we managed to meet with all of them at the same time in a bar. Jen knew James from living in London and I knew Christian from working in America. Christian had grown up in Copenhagen and asked to see a map to show him where our hostel was. He studied it for a moment then looked at me and remarked "Copenhagen is generally quite a safe place, but where you are living, people get shot". The general unsavoury nature of our hostel area was also confirmed by the girlfriend of James, the problems were gang related involving the Hells Angels and rivals, thankfully none of us were motorbike riding gang members so we were told we should be fine.
Christian tried to teach me how to order two beers in Danish and then strode up to the bar girl and explained what I was about to try to do. It was quite funny that he placed such importance of warning her in advance and even more so when she looked at me and said "I'm Latvian but you can go ahead and try speaking Danish anyway". I ordered my beers and we had quite a few more, eventually arriving at our hostel past four am and with no bullet wounds or any other motorbike gang related accidents to speak of.
Our last night we stayed with James on the floor of his flat and visited some other attractions including an area where drugs are sold openly in a self contained village. We also spent time at a famous fairground area which was lit up for Christmas. The next morning Jen and I said our goodbyes to Nikki who had to fly to England for a wedding and we then set off to catch a bus for Berlin which involved a ferry that we were not aware of till we were told to get on it. Typical advance planning from myself.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Finnish Fisu
Three packets of mints diluted into one bottle of Vodka creates a Finnish drink called Fisu, it may sound nasty but it is actually very nice. We could also excuse our drinking as having a traditional Finnish cultural experience, which is always good.

(Me and the Fisu)

(On the boat, leaving Helsinki)
The ship was huge, clean and cheap, it is amazing but it would have been cheaper to make the overnight ferry ride between both countries every night than to stay in any hostels or hotels that either capital city offered. Below is what we should have done to save about 45 quid.
- Day in Helsinki - overnight cruise ship - day in Stockholm - overnight cruise ship - day in Helsinki (repeat as required)
Who would think that the cheapest way to explore a country is by leaving and returning to its borders everyday!
I woke up early on the boat despite my slight headache and went up to the top deck to watch the ship arrive in Stockholm. It was very cold and windy but watching the city start to get larger on the horizon was worth it. When we left the boat no one checked our passports, which seems to be standard practice when crossing borders in Europe. We walked twenty minutes to the local train station and then navigated our way by train and bus to our hotel.
(My first view of Sweden)
Our time in Sweden was spent visiting the Royal Palace, gazing at the impressive display of crown jewels and wondering if they are as relaxed about securing their crowns as they are with border crossings. We ate lunch in an underground prison, explored the endless winding side streets of the old city area and walked miles and miles in an attempt to see everything Stockholm had to offer. Next stop. Denmark!