We have now changed this plan as we are ahead of schedule primarily because we missed exploring the middle of Vietnam when the typhoon hit. So we have decided to get a train from Vietnam into China.
We are crossing the border near Sapa and then travelling through China to a city called Kunming on a nightbus. From Kunming we will then travel to Hong Kong on a 24 hour train, arriving on the 13 October.
The main reason behind this route is
a) It is cheaper
b) We can now say we have travelled from Thailand to England by land!
Southeast Asia is now ... DONE!

ps: More than likely this blog will be blocked in China. Might not be able to update till I arrive in Hong Kong. Email still works though.
Seeing the water buffalo and the empty plate prompted me to tell you that you can now get buffalo meat from a farm near Bridport and it's delicious x